Camera-ready instructions




Camera-ready preparation and copyright assignment

These instructions are for the authors of accepted or conditionally accepted papers. Conditionally accepted papers may be rejected, but authors should still follow the instructions optimistically until told to stop.

Time is short, so start now. Delays or mistakes could cause your paper to be excluded from the conference proceedings.


To do now:

  • Email the final title and author list to Matteo Interlandi (mainterl [at] microsoft [dot] com) by 18 August 2018, after which no changes are possible (this information will be used for the proceedings).
    In your email, use the subject "SoCC final information" and in the body include a single line with the following format (including quotes):

    "Paper Type","Title","Contact (Lead) Author:Affiliation;Author2:Affiliation;Author3:Affiliation;etc.","Contact (Lead) Author e-mail",Author e-mail;Author e-mail"

    For "Paper Type" if you have a regular conference paper then use "Full Paper". If you have a poster abstract, then use "Abstract"

    Sample record:
    "Full Paper","This is a Sample Title","Adrienne Griscti:Association for Computing Machinery;Craig Rodkin:Peace University;John Smith:Hunter Corp.","",;

  • The ACM will invite the lead author to complete the ACM copyright form online. Do this promptly: this step blocks the rest. It provides the DOI, rights management text, and bibliographic strip that must be in the paper. The permission and DOI info are on page 2 of the copyright document. If you do not receive an email from the ACM by 25 August, inform Matteo Interlandi. It is an automatic email, so check your spam folder and set the spam settings to allow emails from "".

  • At least one of the authors must register for the conference to present the paper, so take advantage of the early registration discount.

To do by 31 August 2018 (Full Papers) and 7 September 2018 (Poster Abstracts) :

Ship the final camera-ready materials. This includes the final PDF and all source files. The materials should be prepared this way:

  • Format the paper using the acmart.cls file. Example latex files are socc-sample.tex, soccbody-sample.tex, and socc-sample.bib.

  • Add the correct rights management statement and bibliographic strip on the bottom of the first page, left column. You will receive these details after completing your copyright form, after which you may need to replace the one in the template with the one from ACM.

  • Use only Type 1 fonts (scalable), not Type 3 (bitmapped), and embed all fonts within the PDF. ACM has documentation on how to embed fonts correctly. It refers to the distiller settings file that can be found here.

  • Do not include page numbers.

  • Name your file according to this rule: paperID-lastnameOfFirstAuthor.pdf

  • Apply keywords and ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. For the classification of your paper follow the scheme here.

  • Follow the page limits in the submission:
    Full Paper: 12 pages including the title page but excluding references.
    Abstract: 1 page including the title page and references.
    These limits are strict and final.

  • Remove the "submission type" line, which you may have included in the submission.

  • Use the paper-submission site (below) to upload your final camera-ready materials. This includes the final PDF file, named according to the above criterion, and an archive of your source files, which is a new ACM requirement.

If you have any other question regarding the proceedings, contact Matteo Interlandi (mainterl [at] microsoft [dot] com). Do not wait.

Submission site

Please use HotCRP to submit your camera ready materials:

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