ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2017 (SoCC '17)
The ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2017 (SoCC '17) is the eight in an established series of symposia that bring
together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners interested in cloud computing. SoCC is co-sponsored
by the ACM Special Interest Groups on Management of Data (SIGMOD) and on Operating Systems (SIGOPS).
[09/18/2017] Schedule for poster sessions is online!.
[08/17/2017] The list of accepted posters is now online!.
[08/11/2017] Preliminary program details are available.
[08/01/2017] Conference registration details are available here.
[07/24/2017] Accommodation details are
[07/23/2017] The list of accepted papers is available.
[07/18/2017] Camera-ready instructions are now online!
[07/07/2017] Want to apply for a student scholarship? Details online!
[06/01/2017] Call for posters is now online!
Sponsorship opportunities available